
New Display


Just bought a LG 32LD450 32" for use as my front view.
Here's a pic of it in place:-

Learjet 45 Clock Available to Download


Whilst laying my gauges out on my LCD's the other day I realised that there was one missing and not available.

So here it is:-

The learjet 45 Clock. Based on the Davtron M850

You can download it from the Software section of this site.

Crew Warning Panel Update


I had a request to add a feature to my Crew Warning Panel program that allows the "Display Test" mode to be enabled via a FSUIPC offset. I have added this feature and version 2.07 is now available for download from the Software section of this site.

To turn on the Display Test just set FSUIPC offset 73E6 to One ( 2 byte integer ) and to turn Display Test back off just set it back to Zero.

CNC Machine


Not done a lot on my simulator project for a little while as have been saving up for a CNC machine.
Well I bought one off Ebay and it finally arrived this week. Heres some pics.

New Version of StandbyCal


Just discovered a problem with my StandbyCal program which causes it to crash on later versions of windows.

This has now been fixed and the latest version ( V1.02 ) can be downloaded from my Software section.

Don't forget to uninstall the old version before installing this new one.

New Versions of ADI, Altimeter, CWP & RMU


It has been reported that on certain graphics setups my ADI, Altimeter, CWP and RMU gauge programs did not display correctly. However the ASI program was fine. Looking at the differences between the ASI code and the code for the problem gauges I discovered that I was updating the graphics slightly differently on the ASI.

I have now modified the problem gauges to update the graphics in the same way as the ASI and it seems to have fixed the problem.

See my Software section to download the latest versions of the ADI, Altimeter, CWP and the RMU

Don't forget to uninstall the old versions before installing these.

Goto 2009 News

About Me

Yeah, it´s me!

Dave Ault

   Midlands, England.

   HNC in Microelectronics.


   Programming, Electronics,    Flight Simulation, Guitar,    Banjo, Mandolin.



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