

I have worked for Rolls-Royce Aero Engines since 1986 so when I decided to build a simulator it had to have jet engines.
The reason I chose the Learjet 45 was I liked its mixture of the old style standby instruments and Glass Cockpit. I also had very little room to put the simulator so needed a jet with a simple layout and no overhead controls.
I also wanted a challenge, and wanted to build everything rather than buy modules and bolt them together.
This lead to me learning C programming and how to use CAD/CAM and a CNC machine.

I have called this the Learjet 45 Chimera as although it is based on the Learjet 45 I have not tried to acheive 100% accuracy and have mainly concentrated on functionality.

I started this project in 2008 and I'm hoping to complete it in 2012. I will try and include as much information on this site as I can in order to help others who are thinking of starting a similar project.

About Me

Yeah, it´s me!

Dave Ault

   Midlands, England.

   HNC in Microelectronics.


   Programming, Electronics,    Flight Simulation, Guitar,    Banjo, Mandolin.

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